Saturday, December 6, 2008

Adding a blog list

When I started this endeavor, I stated my intentions on a forum that I have been participating in for almost a year. A fellow forum member asked to allow him to link to my site and I took that to be an honor. I wasn't posting anything worth reading and someone wished to link to me.

I have stumbled my way through arranging this blog to show who I am, someone who cares about the comings and goings along the streets of Lexington, Ky. I have followed other blogs about urban development(mostly in other cities since Lexington does not have so many) and recently, while scrolling down the page of one I noticed ---my blogs---name. I am now linked on two blogs, that I know of, and now I need to return the favor.

As of tonight I have added a Blog List and added these two sites plus a few others of my favorites. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do and visit them for the furtherance of the understanding of urban development.

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