I have been surprised at the response to the last post, especially the part about the WEG prices. Everyone seems to be talking about the lack of ticket sales and the sudden reduction of some event prices. I still cannot afford to see any of the events, with or without the rest of the family.
I really must thank the guys over at Barefoot and Progressive for their link and the response of their readers. They are not just another Kentucky blog.
Now, on to some of the other things going on in town. First district councilwoman Andrea James has been featured in a video on Kentucky.com looking at the conditions of the downtown sidewalks. Not so much the walking surface but the poorly placed nightly obstructions. I have looked at some of these in the daytime.
Easily the best use of space when the tables are not in use is this place on the corner of South Limestone and West Vine. The new streetscape is a real boon to the walkability of the area and I am sure that it will be better when the whole project is done.

I think my next favorite would be the stretch (above) from The Taste of Thai to Bellini's on Main St. I think that they could be pushed a little closer to the street and I would hope for a bit more coordination from all the restaurants there. At night it is a little tighter but not all that bad.

Mia's(above) also does a good job of storing the furniture during the off hours but the narrowness of the Short St sidewalk does cause problems at night. Just around the corner and up Limestone, a la Lucie's(below) tries hard to not crowd the space too much. If North Limestone were to be done like they did on the south side things could be real sweet.

The part of Short St on the west side of Cheapside also has its good neighbors during the daytime. Most of Cheapside's (below) tables along the street are tight against the building although there could be some widening of the sidewalk in the future. I would certainly hope that Short is considered soon after they turn it into two-way.
We have talked many times about Mill St and, to be sure, it could be turned into a pedestrian mall quite easily. Most of the bar there store their tables and chairs inside during the day and those who do serve lunch outside have very limited seating and still crowd the street. All in all they do the best that they can. The one place that I consistently see as a poor effort toward storing their tables out of the way is on Main St in front of Victorian Square. DeVassa rarely leaves sufficient space for two to walk their door and seems to try to make it more convoluted each time I go by there. Two examples are shown below.

These tables are usually stacked near the two light poles and not beyond the parking kiosk where there is more room. A relocation of the trash/recycling receptacle would also ease things a bit. A little more thought should go into their arrangement.
I have also noticed a new collection of public art which, though small, I hope grows to include all of downtown. I would like to know what you think.

I really must thank the guys over at Barefoot and Progressive for their link and the response of their readers. They are not just another Kentucky blog.
Now, on to some of the other things going on in town. First district councilwoman Andrea James has been featured in a video on Kentucky.com looking at the conditions of the downtown sidewalks. Not so much the walking surface but the poorly placed nightly obstructions. I have looked at some of these in the daytime.

I think my next favorite would be the stretch (above) from The Taste of Thai to Bellini's on Main St. I think that they could be pushed a little closer to the street and I would hope for a bit more coordination from all the restaurants there. At night it is a little tighter but not all that bad.

Mia's(above) also does a good job of storing the furniture during the off hours but the narrowness of the Short St sidewalk does cause problems at night. Just around the corner and up Limestone, a la Lucie's(below) tries hard to not crowd the space too much. If North Limestone were to be done like they did on the south side things could be real sweet.

The part of Short St on the west side of Cheapside also has its good neighbors during the daytime. Most of Cheapside's (below) tables along the street are tight against the building although there could be some widening of the sidewalk in the future. I would certainly hope that Short is considered soon after they turn it into two-way.

These tables are usually stacked near the two light poles and not beyond the parking kiosk where there is more room. A relocation of the trash/recycling receptacle would also ease things a bit. A little more thought should go into their arrangement.
I have also noticed a new collection of public art which, though small, I hope grows to include all of downtown. I would like to know what you think.

Regarding the WEG tickets, I'm more than a little bit "meh" about the whole thing. We could afford tickets to an event or two, but I'm not sure I'm that interested. Then again, I'm from Pittsburgh, so what do I know?
I appreciate all the sidewalk table photos; you've done a good job bringing attention to a problem many of us don't even think about. I do enjoy my sidewalk dining at places like Mia's and Sidebar, but I never considered that the tables might be in the way once the restaurant was closed.
And finally, thank you for the photos of the public art on the drains. I love it and hope to see more of it.
Lexington Streetsweeper~Thanks so much for including our little project "Made You Look" in your blog! Stay tuned for more hand painted storm drains around downtown Lexington!
Finished locals include:
-Limestone just North of Short Street in front of Giacomo's and the Justice Buildings
-High street between Lexington and MLK
-N. Limestone South of 6th Street across from Al's Bar
-Limestone and Mechanic
Public Art Rules!!
Blake and Claudia
Blake, you and Claudia are entirely welcome. If you will kindly keep me "in the loop" as to where your completed artworks are I would appreciate it. I would like to compile a gallery of public art in Lexington and your project will make a nice start.
finished storm drains:
1. Mechanic and Limestone
2. Limestone and 6th
3. Limestone and Short (2) near the Justice bldgs and Giacomo's/Mia's
4.Limestone and Church near George's deli
5. Short and Broadway
6. Clay and High
7. Stone and High
8. High between MLK and Hagerman
9. Main and Jefferson
10. Maxwell and Rose
11. Eastern and Main (2) one on each side
12. 3rd and Limestone
13. 3rd and Elm Tree Lane
14. Elm Tree Lane and 3rd
15. Clay and Central Avenue
16. Central and Clay
17. Old Vine and Vine
18. Vine and Old Vine
19. Euclid and High (near Buddy's patio)
20. Double Strom Drain on Euclid and Woodland
21. Euclid before Rose Street
22. Rose and High
23. Jefferson and 3rd across from The Green Lantern
24. High at the YMCA
25. MLK and Main street
26. MAin street ~The Kentucky Theater (2) (this one's for you Freddie!)
27. Main and Rose
1. Curb at Main and Rose Street
27 locations
30 finished storm drains!
1 curb painted per request by the Lexington Police Department
Yes... we are finished!!!!!!
TLS thanks for your continued support through our adventure this summer!
Blake and CLaudia.
The Storm Drain Girls
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