Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reasons for blogging

I started this blog about three months ago with the idea that it would let me have someplace to record the thoughts I have about the neighborhoods I have known and explored for the better part of 40 years. Some I know the history of well and others, I am finding out, not so well.

Mrs. Sweeper has told me for years that I should write about the history of the things that I know. Write down some of the stories that I have been telling her. Talk about what happened when I was young (she thinks that I am older than dirt). Maybe someday this could be a book.

"Who would read what I have to say?" I said. " I don't write well enough to write a book."


Well, somebody has been reading this blog, according to the hit counter, and some of you have been coming back on a regular basis, so I must be saying something you like. I try to stay from the current events and commenting on what is in the news reports, that is what some of you do well on your own sites. I will write about how I feel about the the events of the day or what I think of the interesting sights I see. I will chronicle the progress of some of the developments being built, especially when I can tie them to the history that I remember, or can research of the area.

To those who come here often, you check in to find something different, so I ask for your comments to help direct the flow of the blog. To those who search for specific topics or my thoughts on a topic, I hope you find what you are looking for.

Lastly, I am doing some research on some of the older subdivisions and neighborhoods, particularly those which may have changed greatly or disappeared completely. I hope to call this series "Ghost Subdivisions of Lexington".

So let's hear from you and see if we can take this blog somewhere.

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